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A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. M633 (meter)

Item no. M633 (meter).jpg Item no. M623 (meter)ThumbnailsItem no. M654 (meter)Item no. M623 (meter)ThumbnailsItem no. M654 (meter)Item no. M623 (meter)ThumbnailsItem no. M654 (meter)Item no. M623 (meter)ThumbnailsItem no. M654 (meter)

Item no. M633 (meter)

Type: frankmark

Country: Germany

Date of use: 27 March 1962

Red meter advertising products of the company PERUTZ (Otto Perutz Trockenplattenfabrik München G. m. b. H.), manufacturer of films, dry plates and photographic chemicals in Munich (Germany). The company, also called PERUTZ Photowerke, became part of AGFA in 1964.

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