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A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. M39a (meter)

Item_no._m39__meter_.jpg Item no. M179 (meter) ThumbnailsItem no. M72 (meter) Item no. M179 (meter) ThumbnailsItem no. M72 (meter) Item no. M179 (meter) ThumbnailsItem no. M72 (meter)

Item no. M39a (meter)

Type: frankmark

Country: France

Date of use: February 1934

Meter on cover (front of) advertising the CONTAX 35 mm camera with the slogan "An ideal camera for modern amateur".
The meter is on ZEISS IKON stationery used by IKONTA - French branch in Paris.
The cover bears also label advertising 11th Exhibition of Photography and Cinematography to be held in the days 2 to 11 March 1934 at Versailles.

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