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Item no. AP159b (ad postcard)

Item no. AP159b (ad postcard).jpg Item no. AP159a (ad postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. AP16 (ad postcard)Item no. AP159a (ad postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. AP16 (ad postcard)Item no. AP159a (ad postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. AP16 (ad postcard)Item no. AP159a (ad postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. AP16 (ad postcard)

Item no. AP159b (ad postcard)

Type: cover

Country: Italy

Date of use: 25 June 1928

Advertising postcard (back of) used by A. [ANDREA] TARAMELLI of Bergamo (Italy), painter and photographer. The studio was founded in 1863, and in 1874 moved to the address at Via Torquato Tasso. After Andrea's death in 1887, the management of the store was taken over by his son Edoardo, who decided to keep his father's surname in the company name. On this side specified are various services offered by the studio.

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