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Item no. P3731b (postcard)

Item no. P3731b (postcard).jpg Item no. P3731a (postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. P3732 (cover)Item no. P3731a (postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. P3732 (cover)Item no. P3731a (postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. P3732 (cover)Item no. P3731a (postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. P3732 (cover)

Item no. P3731b (postcard)

Type: cover

Country: Ukraine (Soviet Union)

Date of use: 11 March 1933

Postcard (back of) sent by Ing. V. Aleshkin from Odessa (Ukraine), to optical company HUGO MEYER & Co. in Görlitz (Germany). It was a request for information literature on the company’s products.

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