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Item no. P3602a (letter)

Item no. P3602a (letter).jpg Item no. P3577 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P3602b (letter)Item no. P3577 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P3602b (letter)Item no. P3577 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P3602b (letter)Item no. P3577 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P3602b (letter)

Item no. P3602a (letter)

Type: cover

Country: Poland

Date of use: 9 March 1967

The letter of April 1967 from the BPW – The Bydgoszcz Photochemical Works FOTON [Bydgoskie Zakłady Fotochemiczne FOTON] in Bydgoszcz (Poland), addressed to Prof. Witold ROMER of Politechnika Wrocławska {Technical University of Wrocław]. It contains in the attachment comments on the prospects for the development of the Polish photochemical industry.

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