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Item no. P255b (cover)

Item_no._p255b__cover_.jpg Item no. P255a (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P340 (cover) Item no. P255a (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P340 (cover) Item no. P255a (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P340 (cover)

Item no. P255b (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Great Britain

Date of use: 19 January 1950

Business stationery (cover, back of) used by the company ILFORD LIMITED in London (England), manufacturer of photographic films and chemicals. The letter was used for international correspondence (to USA). The name of the company forms a relief embossed at the back of the cover. The postage stamp used is a "perfin" i.e. stamp bearing small round holes punched to form pattern of the company name's acronym "IL".

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