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Item no. S748 (stamp)

Item no. S748 (stamp).jpg Item no. S749 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S747 (stamp)Item no. S749 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S747 (stamp)Item no. S749 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S747 (stamp)

Item no. S748 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Serbia – Bosna and Hercegovina

Date of issue: 16 April 2021

Catalog number:

Stamp honoring 125th anniversary of birth of ALEKSANDAR BOJKO (1896 – 1969), photographer and teacher. As an Austro-Hungarian soldier Bojko, using his glass plate camera, captured several hundred various facts and scenes at the fields of World War I, thus documenting all the horrors of the war.

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