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Item no. S726 (stamp)

Item no. S726 (stamp).jpg Item no. S618 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S727 (stamp)Item no. S618 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S727 (stamp)Item no. S618 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S727 (stamp)Item no. S618 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S727 (stamp)

Item no. S726 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Sierra Leone

Date of issue: 1994

Catalog number:

Stamp issued to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the first manned Moon landing (1969) by US mission Apollo 11. It shows reproduction of a photograph taken by the APOLLO 11 mission commander NEIL ARMSTRONG of a bootprint impressed in the Moon’s dust, by EDWIN “BUZZ” ALDRIN, pilot of Lunar Module (LM) “EAGLE”.

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