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A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. PH14 (photo)

Item no. PH15 (photo).jpg Item no. PH13 (photo)ThumbnailsItem no. PH15 (photo)Item no. PH13 (photo)ThumbnailsItem no. PH15 (photo)Item no. PH13 (photo)ThumbnailsItem no. PH15 (photo)Item no. PH13 (photo)ThumbnailsItem no. PH15 (photo)

Item no. PH14 (photo)

Photograph upon which based was the design of the item no. S686

Shown is a photograph "Leap into freedom", which presents the escape of a NVA [Nationale Volksarmee in DDR] soldier (Hans Conrad Schumann [1942 - 1998]) from the eastern sector of Berlin at the time of building the Berlin Wall. The photograph (Overseas Press Club award for the best photograph in 1961) was taken by Peter LEIBING (1941 – 2008), young photographer working for a private press agency "Conti-Press", in August 1961.

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