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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. C270 (cancel)

Item no. C270 (cancel).jpg Item no. C269 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C271 (cancel)Item no. C269 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C271 (cancel)Item no. C269 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C271 (cancel)Item no. C269 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C271 (cancel)

Item no. C270 (cancel)

Type: cancel

Country: USA

Date of use: 3 September 1988

Special cancel on cover, used to celebrate “The Eve of the 100th Anniversary of the Snapshot”, thus honoring GEORGE EASTMAN’s Kodak no. 1 camera that was marketed in 1888. This invention has given impetus to the development of amateur photographic movement, called later “snapshooting”.

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