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Item no. C228 (cancel)

Item no. C228 (cancel).jpg Item no. C218 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. M325 (meter)Item no. C218 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. M325 (meter)Item no. C218 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. M325 (meter)Item no. C218 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. M325 (meter)

Item no. C228 (cancel)

Type: cancel

Country: Poland

Date of use: 28 January 1964

Special cancel on cover FOTON – 75 LAT POLSKIEJ FOTOCHEMII [Foton – 75 Years of Polish Photographic Chemistry] used to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Photochemical Works FOTON (Warszawskie Zaklady Fotochemiczne FOTON) in Warszawa (Poland), manufacturer of films, papers and chemicals for photography. The company, formerly known as P. [Piotr] LEBIEDZINSKI Sp. z ogr. odp. in Warsaw (Warszawa, Poland) "Sklad Materialow i Potrzeb dla Fotografii" was founded in 1888 by Piotr Lebiedzinski (1860 – 1934), chemist, entrepreneur and inventor. He was one of most important pioneers of Polish photochemical industry after Poland had regained independence [1918] after almost 150 years of occupation. He was the first to open photographic shop in Poland (1887) and the first to manufacture photographic paper in Poland - 1888 (the factory was later [1933] renamed "FOTON Fabryka Papierow i Artykulow Fotograficznych").

See also: P100, P1397a, P1397b. P112a, P112b and P113

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