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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P354a (cover)

Item_no._p354a__cover_.jpg Item no. P354b (cover) MiniaturyItem no. P3460b (letter)Item no. P354b (cover) MiniaturyItem no. P3460b (letter)Item no. P354b (cover) MiniaturyItem no. P3460b (letter)

Item no. P354a (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Japan

Date of use: 25 March 1929

Business stationery (cover, front of) used by the company CARL ZEISS TOKYO K. K., a subsidiary company of Carl Zeiss in Jena, that imported in Japan Zeiss Ikon and ICA cameras, and Carl Zeiss lenses. The registered letter was addressed to the company Zeiss Ikon in Dresden (the address line although blotched, is somewhat recognizable).