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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. C219 (cancel)

Item no. C219 (cancel).jpg Item no. C212 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C248 (cancel)Item no. C212 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C248 (cancel)Item no. C212 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C248 (cancel)Item no. C212 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C248 (cancel)

Item no. C219 (cancel)

Type: cancel

Country: USA

Date of use: 9 August 1980

Special cancel (CTO, on cover) commemorating the PP of A’s Centennial Celebration 1880 – 1980. PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS of AMERICA (PPA) was formed in April 1880.

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