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A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. C197 (cancel)

Item no. C197 (cancel).jpg Item no. AP145b (ad postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. C248 (cancel)Item no. AP145b (ad postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. C248 (cancel)Item no. AP145b (ad postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. C248 (cancel)Item no. AP145b (ad postcard)ThumbnailsItem no. C248 (cancel)

Item no. C197 (cancel)

Type: cancel

Country: Argentina

Date of use: 18 October 1997

Cancel on FDCover honoring Ernesto “Che” Guevara, an Argentine Marxist revolutionary and guerilla leader. The cancel design is based upon an iconic photograph taken on 5th March 1960 by Cuban photographer ALBERTO KORDA (real name Alberto Diaz Gutierrez [1928 – 2001]) at Havana cemetery during funeral services for victims of explosion at the ship “La Coubre”.

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