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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. C182 (cancel)

Item no. C182 (cancel).jpg Item no. C181 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C183 (cancel)Item no. C181 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C183 (cancel)Item no. C181 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C183 (cancel)Item no. C181 (cancel)ThumbnailsItem no. C183 (cancel)

Item no. C182 (cancel)

Type: cancel

Country: USA

Date of use: 23 September 1989

Special cancel (CTO) commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Photography and the FIRST AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN FROM A BALLOON (this was achieved by French photographer Nadar [1820 – 1910] in 1858, not in 1856). The cancel’s illustration shows a lithograph of 1862 by French caricaturist, painter and draughtsman Honoré Daumier [1820 – 1919] of Nadar taking aerial photographs from a balloon. The caption to the drawing of Nadar was as follows: "Nadar elevating photography to the height of art".

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