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A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. S274 (stamp)

Item no. S274 (stamp).jpg Item no. S273 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S275 (stamp)Item no. S273 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S275 (stamp)Item no. S273 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S275 (stamp)Item no. S273 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S275 (stamp)

Item no. S274 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Bermuda

Date of issue: 11 May 1989

Catalog number: Scott no. 559 (of 555 – 560)

Stamp [V] (of a 6-stamp set with various reproductions of early Bermuda photographic views) issued to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Photography. It shows a shipbuilding yard at Hamilton Harbour.

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