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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. S268 (stamp)

Item no. S268 (stamp).jpg Item no. S267 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S269 (stamp)Item no. S267 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S269 (stamp)Item no. S267 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S269 (stamp)Item no. S267 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S269 (stamp)

Item no. S268

Type: stamp

Country: Libya

Date of issue: 20 November 1996

Catalog number: Scott no. 1555 (of 1555 – 1556)

Stamp, of 2-stamp set PRESS AND INFORMATION. It shows newspapers title pages, PC with keyboard and mouse, diskettes, strip of film and image of a photographer with camera.

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