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Item no. P70a (postcard)

Item_no._p70a__postcard_.jpg Item no. P514 (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P70b (postcard)Item no. P514 (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P70b (postcard)Item no. P514 (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P70b (postcard)

Item no. P70a (postcard)

Type: cover

Country: Canada

Date of issue: 21 May 2008

Postal card (front of) with engraved stamp, issued to commemorate the 100th anniversary of birth of Canadian photographer YOUSUF KARSH (1908 – 2002). The stamp’s design is based on the photograph taken by him in 1941 of Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (1874 – 1965), British Prime Minister.

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