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Item no. S148 (stamp)

Item_no._s148__stamp_.jpg Item no. S147 (stamp) ThumbnailsItem no. S149 (stamp)Item no. S147 (stamp) ThumbnailsItem no. S149 (stamp)

Item no. S148 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Great Britain/Norway

Date of issue: 1 January 1943 – 22 June 1945

Catalog number: Michel 280 (of 276 – 283)

Stamp belonging to an 8-stamp set issued in Great Britain to honor Norwegian Resistance against Nazi occupation during WW II. It shows a reproduction of a photograph made some late afternoon of 1941 by Carl DIHLE (b. 1909), Norwegian amateur photographer, of anti-Nazi propaganda inscription “VI VIL VINNE” [We will win] being painted on a street of village Ringerike (Norway) by 3 Resistance members.

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