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Item no. S122 (stamp)

Item_no._s122__stamp_.jpg Item no. S109 (stamp) ThumbnailsItem no. S138 (stamp) Item no. S109 (stamp) ThumbnailsItem no. S138 (stamp) Item no. S109 (stamp) ThumbnailsItem no. S138 (stamp)

Item no. S122 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Canada

Date of issue: 21 May 2008

Catalog number: Michel Bl. 102 (2469 – 2471)

Set of 3 stamps (issued in form of a souvenir sheet) honoring Canadian portrait photographer YOUSUF KARSH (1908 – 2002) and commemorating Y. Karsh's 100th anniversary of birth.
The stamps show reproductions of his famous portraits: 1. Portrait [1956] of film actress AUDREY HEPBURN (1929 – 1993), 2. Portrait [1941] of British Prime Minister SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL (1874 – 1965), 3. Self-portrait taken in 1952.
The s/sheet's margins show miniatures of his other portraits.

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