![Item no. S197 (stamp)
Type: stamp
Country: Repoblika Demokratika Malagasy
Date of issue: 27 April 1993
Catalog number: Scott 1100d (of 1100a-p)
Stamp from a 16-stamp sheet “Inventors and inventions”. It shows portrait of Louis-Jacques Mandé Daguerre [1787 – 1851], French inventor of photographic process called ‘Daguerreotypy’, a camera, a developing chamber and a small image.
Item no. S197 (stamp)
Type: stamp
Country: Repoblika Demokratika Malagasy
Date of issue: 27 April 1993
Catalog number: Scott 1100d (of 1100a-p)
Stamp from a 16-stamp sheet “Inventors and inventions”. It shows portrait of Louis-Jacques Mandé Daguerre [1787 – 1851], French inventor of photographic process called ‘Daguerreotypy’, a camera, a developing chamber and a small image.