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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P3870 (cover)

Item no. P3870 (cover).jpg Item no. P3858b (postcard)MiniaturyItem no. P3130a (postcard)Item no. P3858b (postcard)MiniaturyItem no. P3130a (postcard)Item no. P3858b (postcard)MiniaturyItem no. P3130a (postcard)Item no. P3858b (postcard)MiniaturyItem no. P3130a (postcard)

Item no. P3870 (cover)

Type: cover

Country: France

Date of use: 8 August 1894

Business stationery (cover) used by the company H. MACKENSTEIN Fabrique Spéciale d’Appareils pour la Photographie in Paris (France), camera manufacturer. The company was founded in 1872 by Hermann Josef Hubert Mackenstein (1846 – 1924) and it existed until 1914, when H. Mackenstein was expelled from France.