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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P431 (maxicard)

Item_no._p431__maxicard_.jpg Item no. P405 (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P432 (maxicard)Item no. P405 (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P432 (maxicard)Item no. P405 (cover) ThumbnailsItem no. P432 (maxicard)

Item no. P431 (maxicard)

Type: cover

Country: Australia

Date of use: 13 May 1991

Maxicard with stamp (I) issued to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Photography in Australia. The stamp shows reproduction of a photograph “Bondi” taken in 1939 by MAX DUPAIN (1911 – 1992).
The card features also special FDC relevant cancel and portrait of the photographer.

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