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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. S795 (dtamp)

Item no. S795 (dtamp).jpg Item no. S794 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S815 (stamp)Item no. S794 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S815 (stamp)Item no. S794 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S815 (stamp)Item no. S794 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S815 (stamp)

Item no. S795 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Serbia

Date of issue: 2022

Stamp (shown is a gutter pair of the stamps, with a linking tab) issued to honor NIKOLA TESLA (1856 – 1943), Serbia-born American inventor. The stamp shows a graphic representation of a photographic portrait taken in New York (c:a 1890) by Napoleon Sarony (1821 - 1896), American portrait photographer and lithographer.