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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

Strona główna / Albumy Othersx + Pentacon, Prakticax /

Item no. M687 (meter)

Item no. M687 (meter).jpg Item no. M686 (meter)MiniaturyItem no. M688 (meter)Item no. M686 (meter)MiniaturyItem no. M688 (meter)Item no. M686 (meter)MiniaturyItem no. M688 (meter)Item no. M686 (meter)MiniaturyItem no. M688 (meter)

Item no. M687 (meter)

Type: frankmark

Country: Germany

Date of use: 15 July 2003

Blue meter on cover advertising the company AGFA Deutschland Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH + Cie. KG in Köln (Germany), wholesale dealer with cameras, photo accessories, glasses, contact lenses, precision mechanical and optical devices.

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