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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P227b (postcard)

Item_no._p227b__postcard_.jpg Item no. P227a (postcard) MiniaturyItem no. P253 (cover)Item no. P227a (postcard) MiniaturyItem no. P253 (cover)Item no. P227a (postcard) MiniaturyItem no. P253 (cover)

Item no. P227b (postcard)

Type: postcard

Country: Spain

Date of use: 20 May 1972

Special airmail postcard (back of) used for correspondence with participants in FOTOSPORT - II SALON INTERNACIONAL DE FOTOGRAFIA DEPORTIVA (2nd Exhibition of Sport Photography) in Reus (Spain), to be held in the period from 10 June 1972 to 10 July 1972.
The postcard was cancelled with relevant cancel and used for informing Polish photographer that two of his photographs were accepted for the exhibition.

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