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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P3434a (cover)

Item no. P3434a (cover).jpg Item no. P3425 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P3434b (cover)Item no. P3425 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P3434b (cover)Item no. P3425 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P3434b (cover)Item no. P3425 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P3434b (cover)

Item no. P3434a (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Germany

Date of use: 8 June 2001

Business stationery (cover, front of, with red advertising meter) used by the organization DGPh (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie e.V.) [ German Society for Photography in Cologne (Köln, Germany). The Society is committed to the interests of photography and related visual media in cultural contexts. The activities of the society are aimed at the diverse areas of application of photography in art, science, education, journalism, business and politics.