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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. M631 (meter)

Item no. M631 (meter).jpg Item no. P3304a (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P3221 (dispatch form)Item no. P3304a (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P3221 (dispatch form)Item no. P3304a (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P3221 (dispatch form)Item no. P3304a (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P3221 (dispatch form)

Item no. M631 (meter)

Type: frankmark

Country: Germany

Date of use: 14 September 1966

Advertising red meter used by the company KODAK Aktiengesellschaft in Stuttgart (Germany), manufacturer of cameras. It advertises the miniature camera RETINA and its system.