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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P2968 (cover)

Item no. P2968 (cover).jpg Item no. M612 (meter)MiniaturesItem no. P3151 (cover)Item no. M612 (meter)MiniaturesItem no. P3151 (cover)Item no. M612 (meter)MiniaturesItem no. P3151 (cover)Item no. M612 (meter)MiniaturesItem no. P3151 (cover)

Item no. P2968 (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Sweden

Date of use: 16 December 1974

Business stationery (cover, front part of, with relevant red meter) used by the company VICTOR HASSELBLAD Aktiebolag in Göteborg (Sweden), manufacturer of medium format cameras. The red meter advertises the camera Hasselblad 500C upon which a space camera EDC (Electric Data Camera) was built to be used in US Apollo space program.