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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. S744 (stamp)

Item no. S744 (stamp).jpg Item no. S726 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S726 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S726 (stamp)Miniatury

Item no. S744 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Cayman Islands

Date of issue: 2019

Catalog number:

Stamp, of a 2-stamp set, issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first manned landing on Moon. It presents reproduction of a photograph taken by the APOLLO 11 mission (1969) commander NEIL ARMSTRONG of a bootprint impressed in the Moon’s dust by EDWIN “BUZZ” ALDRIN, pilot of Lunar Module (LM) “EAGLE”.

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