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Item no. P2690 (cover)

Item no. P2690 (cover).jpg Item no. P2689 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P2691 (cover)Item no. P2689 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P2691 (cover)Item no. P2689 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P2691 (cover)Item no. P2689 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P2691 (cover)

Item no. P2690 (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Russia

Date of issue: 2011

Commemorative cover honoring Sergey Alexandrovich LOBOVIKOV (1870 – 1941), Russian photographer. As a penniless orphan he was apprenticed to a photographer in Vyatka (renamed from 1934 to Kirov) where, encouraged by Andrei Osipovich Karelin, he started his own studio in 1894. He worked in various techniques, e.g. platinum and gum bichromate prints and was known for photographs of rural settings of Russia. Lobovikov was killed by a bomb blast in his home in Leningrad at the age of 71. His photographic archives were donated to the Kirov Museum of History and Art.

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