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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. S687 (stamp)

Item no. S687 (stamp).jpg Item no. S688 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S682 (stamp)Item no. S688 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S682 (stamp)Item no. S688 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S682 (stamp)Item no. S688 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S682 (stamp)

Item no. S687 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Guinea-Bissau

Date of issue: 2011

Catalog number:

A 4-stamp souvenir sheet issued to honor India’s nationalist leader MOHANDAS GANDHI. The left stamp of the bottom row presents graphic representation of a photograph “Gandhi and the spinning wheel” taken in 1946 by photojournalist Margaret Bourke-White (1904 – 1971). In his independence campaign Gandhi was encouraging his countrymen to make their own homespun cloth instead of buying British goods.