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A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. S668 (stamp)

Item no. S668 (stamp).jpg Item no. S282 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S669 (stamp)Item no. S282 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S669 (stamp)Item no. S282 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S669 (stamp)Item no. S282 (stamp)ThumbnailsItem no. S669 (stamp)

Item no. S668 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Guinea

Date of issue: 1998

Catalog number:

Stamp, in form of a souvenir sheet, from a series of postal issues “The great events of the 20th Century” [“Evénements de 20ème siècle”], issued to honor Albert EINSTEIN. It shows graphic representation of a photographic portrait of Albert Einstein, that was based on a photograph taken in 1947 by Philippe HALSMAN (1906 – 1979), American portrait photographer.

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