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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P2232a (cover)

Item no. P2232a (cover).jpg Item no. P632 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P2232b (letter)Item no. P632 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P2232b (letter)Item no. P632 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P2232b (letter)Item no. P632 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P2232b (letter)

Item no. P2232a (cover)

Type: cover

Country: USA

Date of use: 29 August 1979

Business stationery (cover) used by the company CENTER FOR CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY in Tucson (Arizona, USA), department of University of Arizona in Tucson. The cover was used for international correspondence (to Poland). CCP is one of the world's finest academic art museums and study centers for the history of photography. The Center opened in 1975, following a meeting between the University President John Schaefer and Ansel Adams. Beginning with the archives of five living master photographers—Ansel Adams, Wynn Bullock, Harry Callahan, Aaron Siskind, and Frederick Sommer—the collection has grown to include 270 archival photographic collections.