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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. AP114b (ad postcard)

Item no. AP114b (ad postcard).jpg Item no. AP115a (ad letter)MiniaturyItem no. AP114a (ad postcard)Item no. AP115a (ad letter)MiniaturyItem no. AP114a (ad postcard)Item no. AP115a (ad letter)MiniaturyItem no. AP114a (ad postcard)Item no. AP115a (ad letter)MiniaturyItem no. AP114a (ad postcard)

Item no. AP114b (ad postcard)

Type: cover

Country: Germany

Date of use: 22 April 1911

Advertising postcard (back of) used by the company HEINRICH ERNEMANN in Dresden (Germany), manufacturer of cameras. The postage stamp on the card is a “perfin” – i. e. stamp bearing small round holes punched to form pattern of letters or marks characteristic for the company’s name (H.E. for Heinrich Ernemann).