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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P2173 (cover)

Item no. P2173 (cover).jpg Item no. P2150b (postcard)MiniaturyItem no. P2162 (postcard)Item no. P2150b (postcard)MiniaturyItem no. P2162 (postcard)Item no. P2150b (postcard)MiniaturyItem no. P2162 (postcard)Item no. P2150b (postcard)MiniaturyItem no. P2162 (postcard)

Item no. P2173 (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Germany

Date of use: 22 July 1978

Business stationery (cover) used by the [Federal] Association of the [West] German PHOTOGRAPHIC INDUSTRY [Verband de Deutschen Photographischen Industrie e. V. (Photoindustrie-Verband)] in Frankfurt (Main, Germany). This organization performs coordinative functions between the photographic products and photochemical industries on one hand, and the wholesalers of products of these industries on the other. It is mainly charged with advertising and public relations work in [West] Germany.