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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. M536 (meter)

Item no. M536 (meter).jpg Item no. M535 (meter)MiniaturesItem no. M537 (meter)Item no. M535 (meter)MiniaturesItem no. M537 (meter)Item no. M535 (meter)MiniaturesItem no. M537 (meter)Item no. M535 (meter)MiniaturesItem no. M537 (meter)

Item no. M536 (meter)

Type: frankmark

Country: Germany

Date of use: 30 May 1959

Meter on cover advertising the company HAMA - HAMAPHOT in Monheim (Schwaben, Germany), manufacturer of photographic accessories, and later - electronic equipment. The company was founded in 1923 by Martin Hanke as HAMAPHOT K.G. in Dresden.

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