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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P1874 (postcard)

Item no. P1874 (postcard).jpg Item no. P1873 (cover)MiniaturesItem no. P1875 (cover)Item no. P1873 (cover)MiniaturesItem no. P1875 (cover)Item no. P1873 (cover)MiniaturesItem no. P1875 (cover)Item no. P1873 (cover)MiniaturesItem no. P1875 (cover)

Item no. P1874 (postcard)

Type: cover

Country: France

Date of use: September 1926

Postcard used as invitation to exhibition of photographic works made by members of Photographic Club of Alsace [Photo-Club d’Alsace]. The exhibition was to be held in the premises of Historical Museum in Strasbourg (France).