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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. M526 (meter)

Item no. M526 (meter).jpg Item no. P1792a (folded letter)MiniaturesItem no. P1795 (cover)Item no. P1792a (folded letter)MiniaturesItem no. P1795 (cover)Item no. P1792a (folded letter)MiniaturesItem no. P1795 (cover)Item no. P1792a (folded letter)MiniaturesItem no. P1795 (cover)

Item no. M526 (meter)

Type: frankmark

Country: Germany

Date of use: 13 February 2015

Blue meter on cover advertising the company PROPHOTO GmbH in Stuttgart (Germany). The Prophoto GmbH, being a subsidiary of the Photographic Industry Association [PIV – Photoindustrie-Verbandes e. V.], pursues the goal of promoting the topics of photo, video and imaging as well as the photographic trade fair Photokina.

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