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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

Strona główna / Covers / Europa West /

Item no. P1744 (cover)

Item no. P1744 (cover).jpg Item no. P1746 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P1743 (cover)Item no. P1746 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P1743 (cover)Item no. P1746 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P1743 (cover)Item no. P1746 (cover)MiniaturyItem no. P1743 (cover)

Item no. P1744 (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Germany

Date of use: 11 October 1988

Business stationery (cover, with red frankmark) used by the company ILFORD PHOTO GmbH in Neu-Isenburg (Germany), a division of the company Ilford Ltd. in Essex (Great Britain), manufacturer of photographic materials and chemicals. The frankmark advertises “Ilford photographic products” [Ilford fotoprodukte – qualität in schwarz-weiss] for quality in black and white [photography].

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