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A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. C253 (cancel)

Item no. C253 (cancel).jpg Item no. P1656 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1684 (cover)Item no. P1656 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1684 (cover)Item no. P1656 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1684 (cover)Item no. P1656 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1684 (cover)

Item no. C253 (cancel)

Type: cancel

Country: USA

Date of use: 5 August 1954

Special cancel on cover commemorating the 100th anniversary (1854 - 1954) of birth of GEORGE EASTMAN, American inventor, industrialist and philanthropist, founder of the Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester (New York, USA), who played a leading role in transforming photography from an expensive hobby of a few devotees into a relatively inexpensive and immensely popular pastime.

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