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A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P1615 (cover)

Item no. P1615 (cover).jpg Item no. P1614a (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1616 (cover)Item no. P1614a (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1616 (cover)Item no. P1614a (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1616 (cover)Item no. P1614a (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1616 (cover)

Item no. P1615 (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Germany

Date of use: 3 September 2009

Business stationery (cover) used by the Museum of Photography (Haus der Fotografie) in Burghausen (Germany). The museum was founded in 1983 by Dr. ROBERT GERLICH and is located in former tax office building. Its collection is divided into four main groups: (I). Old photographic equipment and pictures; (II). Historical views of Burghausen; (III). Gallery of contemporary photography; and (IV). Special exhibitions.

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