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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. M474 (meter)

Item no. M474 (meter).jpg Item no. M485 (meter)MiniaturyItem no. M473 (meter)Item no. M485 (meter)MiniaturyItem no. M473 (meter)Item no. M485 (meter)MiniaturyItem no. M473 (meter)Item no. M485 (meter)MiniaturyItem no. M473 (meter)

Item no. M474 (meter)

Type: frankmark

Country: France

Date of use: 18 June 1991

Meter (on cover) advertising the HANIMEX CORPORATION, a company founded by Jack Hannes after WWII to import and distribute European (mostly German) and Japanese photographic equipment to Australia and New Zealand . Its name was created of the three words HANnes IMport EXport. The meter advertises also the company VIVITAR CORPORATION, manufacturer, distributor and marketer of optical and photographic equipment. The Vivitar lenses as well as lenses of other makes were often branded as Hanimex.