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Item no. P1388 (cover)

Item no. P1388 (cover).jpg Item no. P1391 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1387 (cover)Item no. P1391 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1387 (cover)Item no. P1391 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1387 (cover)Item no. P1391 (cover)ThumbnailsItem no. P1387 (cover)

Item no. P1388 (cover)

Type: cover

Country: France

Date of use: 9 January 1998

Business stationery (cover) used by a French branch of the Japanese multinational corporation CANON Inc. in Tokyo (Japan), manufacturer of optical instruments (photocopiers, camcorders, cameras), computer equipment (scanners, printers) and many others. The cover advertises the company as an “Official partner of the World Cup 98”, the world football championship held in France 10 June to 12 July 1998.

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