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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. PH7 (photo)

Item no. PH7 (photo).jpg Item no. PH6 (photo)ThumbnailsItem no. PH8 (photo)Item no. PH6 (photo)ThumbnailsItem no. PH8 (photo)Item no. PH6 (photo)ThumbnailsItem no. PH8 (photo)Item no. PH6 (photo)ThumbnailsItem no. PH8 (photo)

Item no. PH7 (photo)

Photograph upon which based was the design of the following item: S105, S413

The photograph called “Migrant mother” was taken in 1936 by American documentary photographer DOROTHEA LANGE (1895 – 1965) during her employment in Farm Security Administration program.

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