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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P676 (cover)

Item no. P676 (cover).jpg Item no. P636 (cover)MiniaturesItem no. P678 (cover)Item no. P636 (cover)MiniaturesItem no. P678 (cover)Item no. P636 (cover)MiniaturesItem no. P678 (cover)Item no. P636 (cover)MiniaturesItem no. P678 (cover)

Item no. P676 (cover)

Type: cover

Country: Belgium

Date of use: 4 January 1968

Business stationery (cover, with relevant frankmark) used by the company NARITA Maison Naert in Brussels (Belgium) offering equipment and materials for photography and cinema. The company also manufactured studio cameras in the past.