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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. P487a (cover)

Item_no._p487a__cover_.jpg Item no. P206b (postcard) MiniaturyItem no. P42 (cover)Item no. P206b (postcard) MiniaturyItem no. P42 (cover)Item no. P206b (postcard) MiniaturyItem no. P42 (cover)

Item no. P487a (cover)

Type: cover

Country: France

Date of use: 2 November 1911

Business stationery (cover, front of) used by the company founded and owned by PHILIPPE TIRANTY (1883 – 1973) in Paris (France), one of the leading firms in photographic trade. The cover was addressed to Louis Rousset, liquidator of the company A. Lumiere & Sons. Back of the cover presents advertisement of a strut folding camera Nettel.