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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. S222 (stamp)

Item_no._s222__stamp_.jpg Item no. S153 (stamp) MiniaturesItem no. P927 (cover)Item no. S153 (stamp) MiniaturesItem no. P927 (cover)

Item no. S222 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: France

Date of issue: 30 September 2000

Catalog number: Scott 2787a (of 2787a – 2787e)

Stamp (of 5-stamp set) The 20th Century. It shows American astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin Jr. photographed on the Moon by another astronaut, commander Neil Armstrong. Both men were members of the crew of space mission Apollo 11 – the first manned Moon landing that took place on 20th July 1969. In the Aldrin’s visor both shadow of the photographer Armstrong and the lunar module Eagle are reflected.

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