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Photography in Philately

A Krzysztof K. Słowiński Collection

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Item no. 116 (stamp)

Item_no._116__stamp_.jpg Item no. S261 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S160 (stamp) Item no. S261 (stamp)MiniaturyItem no. S160 (stamp)

Item no. 116 (stamp)

Type: stamp

Country: Malagasy

Date of issue: 9 May 1985

Catalog number: Scott 712 – 715

Stamp commemorates 40th anniversary of liberation from fascism. Part of a 4-stamp set. The stamp (Scott no. 712) shows graphic representation of YEVGENI KHALDEI’s [1917 – 1997] photograph of Soviet Red Army soldiers mounting national flag at the roof of Reichstag building (Third Reich parliament). The photograph was taken after the fall of Berlin in May 1945.
Other stamps of the set not relevant to photography.

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